
We welcome your opinion, as your feedback is an integral part of our systematic quality work.
Positive validation is a good place to start, If you or your child feels that someone among the staff has done something extraordinarily good, we invite you to tell the person concerned.

In order to continually develop and improve our routines, it is important that complaints are also communicated directly to the person or people concerned. This is preferably done through a conversation between you and the concerned school staff member-–– as soon as possible after the event that led to your complaint. 

Should you wish to file a complaint, we would like to ask you to follow the procedure below.

Complaint procedure at ESN

Discuss the problem that has arisen first with your child's mentor or with the Fritids staff that was present. We are convinced that issues and concerns are resolved most effectively through direct and prompt communication.

If you have a complaint or comment and feel unable to resolve the issue with the teachers or Fritids staff directly involved, please contact:
Head of Fritids: Chris Warren,
Vice Principal F-5: Jenny Porseryd,
Vice Principal 6-9: Sofia Liberg,
Principal Lubna Irfan,

If you feel that the problem has not been resolved after contacting the above-mentioned persons, please send in a formal written description of your case to our Head of Schools , Andreas Tull,

You should receive a confirmation within three days that your complaint has been received. Within a week, you should receive a response about how the complaint has been handled.

Other possibilities
It is possible to report cases directly to the Swedish School Inspection or to the Barn och Elev Ombudsman, but the case is usually sent back to the school principal for processing, and if the complaint has not first been registered with the preschool or school principal, the process above can be required. 

Compliance form