We warmly welcome your application!

You are warmly welcome to put your child in our queue as soon as the child has a social security number: link to application form

Application during the regular application period

Make a digital application here: application form

 Then make a choice of school via the City of Stockholm's page.

          (The regular application period is 15 January to 15 February)

Selection and admission criterias

  · Sibling priority

· Children enrolled in our preschools. 

      · Queue time

      · Proximity


Custodians are notified of the place (March 25) and need to confirm any offered place (no later than April 7) via Stockholm Stads school choice

When the spot is confirmed we will send you a welcome letter.

Application outside the regular application period

If you are interested in a place outside the regular application period or during term time, please contact us at info@esn.se or
08-441  8580  

An offer of a placement in the school is based on queue time and availability of space.